We are committed to wildlife and environmental conservation at Zealandia Designs. We owe all our design and natural material inspiration to the wonderful world around us. Without Nature’s beauty, we could not do what we do.
Each piece of jewelry is designed to celebrate and honor our natural world. It is only natural, then, that we feel called to give back to the many wonderful organizations that work tirelessly to conserve and protect our planet.
As our customer, you already support critical work being done to conserve our world and our wildlife. Our beautiful planet is under attack from so may different assailants that each and every one of us owes it to our world to do our part. We invite you to consider supporting these organizations directly so that they can continue doing excellent work in the effort to protect and prolong our planet, if you feel so inclined.
Here is a list of the organizations we currently donate to each year: World Wildlife Fund, Ocean Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund, the Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Defenders of Wildlife, the Peregrine Fund, and Doctors Without Borders.