Gardening is a tremendously effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. Whether you surround yourself with heirloom tomatoes or colorful zinnias, being in the garden is a great way to connect to the environment, get a little exercise in your day, and take time to appreciate the beauty all around us.
Working in the garden is a great way to de-stress. It's a visceral act that arouses all the senses as you see, hear, smell, and touch the plants and soil in the garden. As your attention turns to being more present with the plants, your stress and anxiety begin to fade. Being in the garden is a great antidote to the stresses and strains of everyday life. Take time to smell the roses, pull a few weeds, admire the busy bees, and listen to the birds chirping away while they fly effortlessly through the air. Don't you feel better already, just thinking about it?
The bodies of the bees are hand carved from fossilized walrus ivory, which is 500-3,000 years old. It comes from St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, where the native Yupik have exclusive rights to gather and sell this ancient material. Fossilized walrus ivory takes on a range of tones from cream to deep cocoa, depending on the minerals surrounding it in the soil.